Amidst Covid-19

A few weeks ago my husband posted a picture on our family WhatsApp group of some kids playing in the cul-de-sac. And, my brother-in-law responded, “This is so cool….like “olden days.” His answer was right on.   The world as we knew a few weeks ago, had completely changed.  A clear separation of  then and now.    Life now is amidst  Covid-19.  Every single day is wrapped in Covid-19 moments.  For now, social distancing is our lifestyle.

This morning, like recent mornings, since Covid-19 days, I began with watching a news channel.  Soon I started to scan other channels to find something other than news. My attention was caught by a show on a public television channel about a small town in Georgia.  They were showing a beautiful historical town.  In the town’s  square were many people strolling. Locals and tourists.  Musicians were performing. People were humming along. Children eating ice creams and lollipops; running in the grass area with parents and grandparents watching.  Beautiful scenery.  Only that in current reality this has ceased to exist.  Not just in our country but in this world!

The television show ended in  30-minutes, bringing an overflow of  emotions in me.  I felt wet around my eyes. Then felt a warm sweet sensation in my body.  I felt my mouth smiling.  My heart feeling the warmth from  watching  people I didn’t even know  enjoying family, friends,  food, wine, weather and that social lifestyle!

Although, right now I cannot engage in such beautiful social  lifestyle that  I described above, I can definitely do other things while I wait out Covid-19.  Explore nature around me. Hike some local mountains,  watch flowing rivers, go on trails.  This is time to reflect. Strength to those who lost loved ones.   Honor to people working on the front lines.  Sending positive thoughts their way.  I believe that we will get back to our robust and beautiful social lifestyle.  Right now,  I’m for social distancing to help in these Covid-19 days. Hope is strength!

(Dahlonega is a tiny town that sits in North Georgia where you’ll find rivers, mountains and gold mine! It’s a town with lots of history and their main attraction is tourism. After Covid-19 days, I’ll  go there. I want to experience the good old days again.)

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